Mr Mike Parkes, Churchwarden at St Mary’s, writes…
Eco Church is an award scheme for churches in England and Wales that has been set up by A Rocha UK. Participants fill in an online survey which gives an idea as to how well churches perform with regard to environmental issues. After filling in the survey, you are graded and higher grades receive a bronze, silver or gold award.
The survey looks at five key areas:
- Worship and teaching
- Management of church buildings
- Management of church land
- Community and global engagement and
- Lifestyle
About a year ago we completed the survey for St Mary’s Church in Lapworth. It became apparent that there was little that could be done to improve the building, being an ancient Grade 1 listed building there was not much that could be changed. Double glazing and cavity wall insulation was not really an option! Fortunately the award scheme makes special provisions for listed buildings! One change that was put into place was a project to replace any old lights in the church with LED bulbs. Much of this work has now been completed.
Where we realised we were able to make some positive changes was in the land surrounding the church i.e. the churchyards.
These included:
- Setting aside areas for encouraging and planting wild flowers, particularly to encourage bees and other pollinating insects.
- Placing more bird boxes in the churchyard.
- Placing and stocking bird feeders in the churchyards.
- Raising awareness through regular articles in the Parish Magazine
We have also encouraged eco-friendly lifestyle choices, such as car sharing and using recyclable cups.
All the steps we have made were relatively small and easy but I am very happy to say that it was all worthwhile. At the beginning of this year the survey was completed again and submitted and we are proud to have attained a bronze award.
I am very pleased with this and would like to thank all those who have contributed with ideas and actions.
Now we need to start thinking about working towards the silver award. It is ambitious, quite a step up from bronze, but I’m sure we can do it.
Please see the certificate below.