Some of our services are particularly suitable for children:

The Family Service – The 11:00am service on the first Sunday of each calendar month is always a Family Service. These services are simpler, shorter, noisier, more interactive, more fun and generally more accessible to children.  We have hymns and the choir, including the Junior Choir.  Usually we have additional Family Services on Mothering Sunday, Good Friday and other special occassions.

[email protected] These smaller services are informal, interactive and engaging; particularly suitable for children or younger adults. At each service we think about a different bible story, and have prayers in the Taizé style with candles and icons. There are pictures to look at and more modern music. The service is called [email protected] because we gather at 9.30am for about 35 minutes. [email protected] takes place on the second and fourth Sundays of most months (check the schedule for this month on the St Mary’s Services page). It is a great way to start your Sunday!

Baby and Toddler Praise –  This is normally held at St Mary’s Lapworth on the last Friday of the month.  Coffee is served from 09:00am.  At 09.30am there is a story, a song and a prayer.

Other Services – Children are welcome to attend any of our services, but the Family Service and Together@930 are usually the most suitable! The crib service on Christmas Eve is also popular.

Puppets – We have been experimenting with puppets and songs to enhance our worship at the Family Service.  These have proved popular and we hope to see more of the puppets.