St Mary’s is a beautiful medieval church building. It has excellent facilities with organ, choir, flowers and bells. The worship space is practical and homely and offers the perfect setting for an English country wedding. It can seat up to 180 people.


Why get Married?

A relationship depends on mutual trust and commitment if it is to flourish. Marriage is best possible way for a couple to tell each other that they want to build that relationship of trust together, and that they are committed to it in good times and in bad.


Could we get married at St Mary’s?

At St Mary’s we enjoy welcoming couples who are interested in marriage, but there are laws governing who can get married in a parish church like St Mary’s. For most people there are two key questions which are relevant.


Booking a Wedding

To book a wedding at St Mary’s, first of all telephone the Rector on 01564 782098 (Mornings, Monday to Thursday is usually the best time). The Rector will talk through the possibilities with you, and may ask you to fill in the Marriage Application Form.


Fees for Weddings at St Mary’s

Follow this link for Marriage Fees at St Mary Lapworth 2025 .

The CofE revises the fees on 1st January each year.


Planning a Wedding Service

The Rector encourages couples to suggest music and readings which are suitable for their wedding. The service needs to fit with the expectations of the Church of England nationally and locally, and final responsibility the service rests with the Rector.

Click the link for a document detailing the aspects of planning a Marriage Service at St Mary’s Lapworth. 

Click the link for an example of a good Order of Service.