The Rector is pleased to baptise any child who lives in the parish whose parents wish to have the child baptised. The Rector is also pleased to baptise children from outside the parish, although consent for this must normally be arranged with the child’s local vicar. Parents who are interested in baptism should download the Baptism Application Form and read the notes on the form, which give more information. They should contact the Rector (01564 782098) to agree a date and time for the baptism. These usually take place during a Sunday service (particularly the Family Service at 11am on the first Sunday of the month) or at 12:30 on the third or fourth Sunday of the month.
For baptism preparation the Rector asks families to attend a couple of the children orientated services at St Mary’s. These are:
- Last Friday of the month – Baby and Toddler Praise, 9.00am coffee, 9.30am story song and prayer
- First Sunday of the month – 11am Family Service, with the choir
- Second and Fourth Sunday of the month – 9.30am Together@930, a smaller, shorter, interactive and informal service
The Rector also visits baptism parents in preparation for the baptism. This gives an opportunity to talk through the baptism service, and all that is involved. Clare Kimpton, Reader, increasingly helps out with baptism ministry and attends visits.
The CofE national website provides good information about Christenings or Baptisms. There is good information for parents here, and good information for Godparents here.
Children who are secondary school age or older are normally treated as adults if they wish to be baptised. Like adults they normally attend a five session course and are then baptised and confirmed by the Bishop. At least one opportunity for adult baptism and confirmation is offered each year, normally in or around the month of May.