
30th April was the deadline for sending in Feedback about the CofE’s Living in Love and Faith course.  The CofE has been encouraging lots of people to take the course (see page 7 of the March Parish Magazine), which is about enabling constructive discussions on the topics of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.  After taking the course we were encouraged to submit feedback, which will feed into a “next steps” process for the CofE.

It is no secret that the CofE has struggled with issues of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage in recent years.  Traditional church teaching has always held that marriage is a lifelong union between a man and a woman and that it is only within marriage that sexual activity is in accordance with God’s wishes.  Since the 1960s a huge gap has opened up between this traditional teaching and the norms of western society.  In western society it is now much more common for couples to live together for an extended period before possibly, eventually, getting married.  Divorce and re-marriage are both very common.  We now have civil partnerships and same sex marriages.  For many people even the traditional understanding that “God created them, male and female” (Genesis 1: 17) is problematic because it does not recognise gender identities other than male and female.

For many people in the church, the huge gap between contemporary culture and traditional church teaching is a sign that the church needs to move on, be more accepting of sex outside marriage, bless and conduct same sex marriages in church and accept gender identities beyond the traditional male and female.  If the church does not become more accommodating on these points it becomes completely unrealistic and irrelevant to the very people that it seeks to serve.  It risks causing hurt and upset to the increasing number of people that can’t live happily within the traditional frameworks.

On the other hand, there are many within the church who say that the huge gap between contemporary culture and traditional church teaching is a sign of the sin and brokenness of our society; a society that is drifting away from God.  The church is not called to solve the problems but rather to be faithful to the traditional biblical teachings.  The true value that these teachings have for humanity will eventually come to light.

The Living in Love and Faith course has been all about encouraging constructive dialogue between theses two seemingly irreconcilable perspectives.  The importance of listening has been emphasised.  All decision making has been paused until the listening process is complete.  But now 31st April has passed, and the College of Bishop’s must start looking at the output from the listening and start making proposals for a way forward.  Proposals are scheduled to be presented to General Synod in February 2023.

With prayers and best wishes,  Fr Patrick


Closing Prayer from the Living in Love and Faith Course

Grant to your people, good Lord,

the spirit of unity,

that they may dwell together in your love,

and so bear to the world

the ointment of your healing and the

dew of your blessing;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Psalm 133, CofE Common Worship



May 2022 – Living in Love and Faith