Fr Patrick writes…
A week beforehand we thought we would not be able to hold our Remembrance Day Service because of the second lockdown, but thankfully special guidance was published on 3rd November. So on Sunday 8th November several people gathered at the War Memorial by St Mary’s church to remember all those who lost their lives to help others. Despite a forecast of rain, we were lucky! The rain held off and it was not too cold even if some of us sank slightly into the grass round the War Memorial. (Thank you to Kay and Bill Bailey for making the area look so neat and cared for and to Michele Twelftree and Norma Aslin for organising where everyone could safely stand for the service).
Mike Parkes did the reading from St John followed by the Rector’s reflection on the connection between times of war and the suffering many are experiencing in this pandemic. The Rolls of Honour for Lapworth and Baddesley Clinton were read by Gillian Jackson, Lou Hayley and Graham Hughes, finishing just as the church clock struck eleven to start the two minute silence. It was wonderful to hear the birds singing as we stood quietly remembering those who had given their lives for us.
Hugh Roberts said the Kohima Epitaph before the Last Post and Reveille were played by our two amazing trumpeters, Ed Crust and Gary Horne. (This is Ed’s 23rd Remembrance Sunday playing for us!).They ably supported our rather reduced choir and the socially distanced congregation to sing ‘O God our help in ages past’. Wreaths were laid by several adults and children on behalf of the different groups of the parish. We concluded by singing the National Anthem after a blessing from the Rector.
It was lovely to see passers by stopping to listen to the service which was streamed live by our talented ‘film technician’ Ollie Parkes. You can still catch up with the service if you go to: www.stmaryslapworth.org.uk/online-services .
In church there were beautiful flowers done specially for Remembrance Sunday by our talented team of flower arrangers.
The outdoor setting worked so well (we were blessed by the weather!) that we are now considering an outdoor Carol Service. We are all allowed to sing at outdoor services, but inside only choirs can sing.